
After a very windy night I started early 7:30am, since I had planned to go on a hike on the Pico Ruivo (1862m) - the highest mountain of Madeira. But it was still very windy so I had already my doubts if I could make it on that day, but anyhow I decided to at least drive up to the starting point of the hike (1592m). So first I headed to village of Santana, and than from there I started to drive up the road on the mountain. The wind was still very stong and soon I saw little trees lying on the street, but I could get around the first ones till I got to a point where a branch of the tree was lying across the street and I was unable to drag it to the side. So I skipped the hike for that day and returned to Santana.

Santana is a very pretty village with cobble-stoned streets and it's famous for it's triangular-shaped houses with the thatched roofs.

Later it was rainy again and I headed further on the north coast to the west, driving on Madeira you have to go through many many tunnels, and drive many many curves up and downhill. In the afternoon I arrived again in Sao Vincente and made a coffee break in the newer part of the city on the coast.


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